I found my pattern in the little book that I showed on a previous post... 100 Pretty Little Projects. This book is crammed full of fun things to make!
Here is my pincushion.
I did the embroidery of the heart and the house with Anchor pearl cotton thread that you can find at my online shop. I love this thread for embroidery and for blanket stitch! If you have not tried it, you should.. it is a bargain of a deal at 90 yards of thread for only 1.75!
I stuffed the pincushion with crushed walnut shells that I purchased at Pet Depot. I went in and asked for them and the manager had no idea what I was talking about. I told him that quilters stuffed their pincushions with them. He looked at me and said that they definitely did not sell quilting things there. I walked off and went in search of my prize and waa-laa... found them!... I took the bag to the counter and called him over. I showed him my find and then proceeded to tell him that next time a quilter walked through his doors, that he would know what they were searching for. He said it was a first for him. We both had a good laugh. :)
Here are a couple of pincushions that have been gifted to me by friends... The first one my friend Omma made.. She hosted a pincushion swap and this is one that I received back in my box. I love it and have used it in my quilting studio for the past 5 years!

My friend Marie made Mr. Owl for me. She is always making special things for her friends. I think she has made over a dozen of these to date. He keeps me company by my sewing machine. he can hold a lot of pins!
The last pincushion I want to show is one that I made for my friend Nicki. We had a blog with 12 friends and we made something for each other once a month. The month that I had Nicki's name, our theme was Victorian Pincushions. I think he is very victorianish, don't you. :)
I hope you have enjoyed my little pincushion post. :)
great job
Goodness...shouldn't the Pet Depot know about walnut shells?! :) Your pin cushion is adorable!
Love your pin cushions! I buy my walnut shells at a sporting goods store. They are also used in a tumbler for polishing rocks and gun shells. Thank you for sharing.
Thearica, that rabbit is beautiful...really ! WOW ! I would love to own that wonderful homespun pin cushion, I think I have 8...now since I made several for the hop.. I am a proud owner of a flying pig too !
Love your pincushions Thearica...you always do the sweetest things...and you made me stop and count...yikes...I think maybe I have 5 or 6 pincushions (before the hop that is)...my favorite handmade one was sent to me by a dear friend...a teacup pincushion.
I have fallen in love with your homespun pin cushion. My theory is you can never have too many pin cushions. For practical purposes, I make fat pin cushions where the pins won't come through the other side, but I always carry much smaller ones in my grab and go case. I am not a blogger unfortunately. swalker287 (at) gmail (dot) com.
In love with your rabbit! I only have one pincushion that I have created for myself and this hop, so alas I can't tell you.
Oh my gosh how tiny and delightful - love the 'flying ' pig in you photos, too. I have 6 pincushions, but they are for pretty looking at, not to use. They were handmade gifts, and very treasured - who could stick pins in them.
Love your pincushions.
Lovely pincushion! I have about 14 now. Cute rabbit pincushion by the way.
Your pin cushions are lovely. The little rabbit one is very cute.
Love your pincushions. I have about 16 but my favourite is my Chicken pincushion.I would love to be included in your giveaway. Melanie x
Your pincushions are sew cute. They are so lovely. I think I have seven pincushions. Thank you for a great give away and sharing your creativity
So lovely! And then I saw that little rabbit lying there: Love it! How much pincushions?? Uh.. ehh.. about, I think, 20 or so.. Oops!
Aww so sweet..they all so cute..
I have so many pin cushions that I really don't know :)
Thank you
Love cucki x
I do not have any pincushions so I'd really like one! thanks for sharing.
Oh they are all so great - such fun! my favourite pincushion is one I have made for this hop so I don't want to say what it is exactly - you will have to come and look over at my place on the 16th - lets just say its very English! Thanks for sharing.
Your pincushions are lovely!
Very cute. Love your embroidery.
You have a lovely collection of pincushions, your rabbit is especially cute. I have 12 at the minute mainly made by myself but a couple were presents. I do believe a girl can never have too many pincushions. Thank you for a sweet giveaway.
Love your hand stitching, what a pretty little cushion. I've really only just started down the road of pincushions. I keep my pins in my unfinished projects and the few that are left, in the little plastic boxes they come in. But...I've been downloading some wonderful ideas to play with and create. This hop is sure coming in handy! Thanks for the inspiration.
I don't have any pincushions right now, but I've collected lots of patterns and BOM's. Once I retire I will have tons of them. Your bunny would be a great start...such a cutie! Thanks for sharing with us.
I love the rabbit pincushion but it's too cute to stick pins in! I have three, two are those typical red tomato looking ones and I don't use them much, they just hang around in different areas with a couple of pins in case I need one quickly. Isn't that funny- you never know when you might need a pin! My favorite is a chicken filled with rice. It doesn't move around and is easy to put pins in as your remove them while using the machine.
The bunny PC is to die for !!!!
I would trade all 12 of mine for it ! LOL
my favorite one is a little crab I made
Cute collection!
Love them all, but that bunny is tops! But I would have a hard time sticking pins in that. he would be just for show! I have at least half a dozen pin cushions and when you see my post on Friday, that number would have jumped almost another dozen, I'm just saying . . .
I agree with Debby!! they are all adorable...but bunny takes the cake....speaking of cake; my favorite dessert is cheesecake...any kind....lol
I adore your embroidered pincushion! I have about half a dozen pincushions and the one I use most of the time is a simple one I made myself decorated with a needle-felted fern.
Beautiful stitchery pincushion. And you have a wonderful collection of sweet and special ones. My favourite in my house is the bird. It is so handy to put next to my machine.
nice collection and the stitching is a twitching my fingers to get going..your apple I love that one...stellar performance
I like your collection! I have two pincushions - a square one my duaghter made me and the typical tomato one! thank you!
Love your Victorian bunny pincushion! I have 4 pincushions but added a new one which I will show off later in the hop.
Love your Victorian bunny pincushion! This looks very special.
Great pincushions! So glad you were able to educate the pet shop worker! We find quilting and crafting items just about everywhere! I have tons of pc's. I think I like them because they are small and don't take up much room. My favorite is one made from a bottle cap. Thanks for the show today!
gorgeous embroidery :-) I only have one pincushion and it is a store bought, not very pretty, one!
I have one pincushion I use and it has a thread catcher attached and one that is a ceramic pig with a built in tape measure that was my Mama's. The pigs tongue is the end of the tap measure and you pull it out to measure. Needless to say, I DO NOT use that one! I remember her using it when I was a little girl so we will just say that it is now an antique!!
I have about eight pincushions. My favorite one is the one I got from my great-aunt before she passed away.
I have a bunch do pincushions....love my antique ones.
To be honest, my favorites are the four I made for this bloghop, you can see themthe 16 th....
Your pincushion is really cute. I only have 3 pincushions but I keep seeing patterns that I would like to make - for sure a biscornu one eventually. I have one of felt that I embroidered by my chair in the living room - that's where I do my cq-ing, one that holds down my orts catcher by my sewing machine, and another by my sewing machine that is a Victorian style tall one that I made from a special scrap of fabric that I begged from a friend who has since passed away. Looking at all the entries in the blog hop is going to be lots of fun
Your pincushions are wonderful, Thearica. I love your bunny one. You did such a nice job on all of them. I have a lot of pincushions, but they are so addicting. I would venture to guess that I may have 30 or so, but probably use 5 or 6 constantly.
Love the bunny one I was fully expecting a pig in there somewhere....I have only 10 pincushions including the ones I made for this blog hop, several store purchased, and one which was a gift.
What neat pincushions Thearica!! The only one I have is....the red tomato generic one. Glad you found the crushed walnuts and what a beautiful sunset!
Love the pincushion. I have maybe 3 or 4 pincushions, but my favorite is one I made using the selvages from a quilt I made for my daughter a couple of years ago.
Love the homespun creation :) I have one pincushion that I made to fit in a pink depression-era candy dish, but I also use a matching sherbet-glass to hold pins as well. I still need to make a cushion for it!
Your stitched pincushion is just beautiful! I love your bunny one, too. I only had one pincushion until this hop, now I have several which I'll be showing tomorrow. I don't have a favorite dessert...I love them all! :O)
I have 2 so far. I made one to sit on the sewing table that hangs down and holds things like the seam ripper. I love it. Thanks for sharing your ideas and being part of this blog hop
I love your stitched pincushion.
My name is Susie , and I have at least a dozen pincushions. I CURRENTLY use 5 ... but after this blog hop, I am sure that number will be significantly higher!!
Hey, your little rabbit is soooooooooooo cute, really, that will be my easter 2014-project!!! And I think I really have to purchase this book you already wrote about it.... Thanks for sharing!
Oh I just love that little rabbit. Gotta have that little rabbit...gonna try to MAKE that little rabbit...! Thanks for joining the hop and thanks for the giveaway, too!
All of your pincushions are so precious. I love your stitched one. You do such beautiful work. Thank you for sharing.
Your pincushion is cute with the embroidery. I have more than ten pincushions, and after this bloghop I think I'll have ten more. My favorite is the log cabin pincushion on the last picture on my blog hop post. It's something about the shape, size, pattern and filling that's just perfect.
What a lovely pincushion, I like the embroidery! And the one wath the cute rabbit of course.
I love the embroidery on your pincushion! It is very lovely. The one with the poor rabbit waiting to be stabbed with pins (hehe) is very sweet indeed! I have loads of pincushions already and found a few new ones to make on DAY 1 of this hop (oh dear). I love, love, love pincushions and I never seem to have enough of them....
Very pretty pin cushions. I think I have about 6 of them now. My favorite is the donut a friend made for me. It looks good enough to eat and the pins look like sprinkles on top.
I have only a couple, but I am making more for the hop (I hope to make a TARDIS one!)
Pretty sunset. I only have a few pincushions. Normally put pins in an old film holder.
love all your beautiful pincushions!!
I love your little bunny pin cushion. Very cute!
Wonderful pincushions and that bunny one is darling. I have no idea how many pincushions I have because I have a lot of pincushions. So while your bunny is so sweet and I would love to have it, I think I have already too many pincushions so let someone else win it who really needs a pincushion and don't bother to put in the drawing.
Your pincushions are lovely. I have 6 pincushions and my favorite is the one my sister made me. It is a crocheted pincushion from cotton yarn. I love it!
Super cute pincushions! I would have to get mine all together, plus stop making more, to know how many I have...between 10 and 100 is my best guess! ;0) I love my Cathedral Windows ones best, especially the one with an A on it.
I have not been so lucky as to receiving any cute pin cushions! My magnetic pin cushion is the one I use. Maybe I'll get lucky and win one!!!
hulseybg at gmail com
Love your embroidered pincushion! I only have four pincushions...think it's time to start making a few more after all the inspiration from this fun hop!! Thanks for sharing and for the sweet giveaway :)
I havelots of pincushions but have 2 favs... one is an old jello mold with an old quilt piece on top that a gf gave me:) The other is a really old knitted one that was made by my grandmother. There are 3 double rows all snuggled together to form a cicle. Love it!
My favorite pincushion to use is one made of wool..but my other favorite one that was gifted to me is a little red salt dip made into a pincushion..it's very nice..thanks for sharing yours with us..
I love your homespun pin cushion! I only have a few, one that I won (beautiful!) years ago, and a couple store-bought. My favorite is the one that belonged to my mother, the traditional tomato and berry, but older than I am. (and my favorite dessert is creme brulee, lol!) :)
I actually have less than 10 pincushions but now I am inspired to add to the collection. My favorite is a cross-stitch covered one in a little basket.
Adorable! I LOVE your bunny pin cushion but then I am partial to bunnies--LOL! Thanks for sharing.
Love that bunny :) I have to say my favorite pinnies right now are actually insects...a french knot bee and a heather ross spider...hmmm...silly I guess!
Super sweet pin cushions! I have a hole lot of pin cushions, gifts for friends and selfmade, my favorite at this moment you'll see tomorrown I have my showday!
Ohhh! I like the bunny pin cushion and he does look victorian...i haven't received any pin cushions but I do have 2. One is the red tomato that belonged to my mother and I bought a pink one shaped like the tomato. Thank you for sharing all your pincushions.
Great pin cushions. I love them all; especially the Victorian bunny. I have 7 pincushions all of which get regular use. My favorite is a wooden fretwork based cushion which sits on my arm chair without falling off. I love it and the friend who gifted it to me.
Wonderful pincushions! All are very nice. I have four and my favorite is a chicken I made years ago using hand dyed fabric. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Your little homespun pincushion is too cute to use! I have 4 pincushions, and just started using more than one.
Absoutely gorgeous pincushions, you did a great work on the new one too.
Since I love pincushions I think I have about 20 or more?
I don`t know, but I´m sure after this hop it will be more *lol*
Thanks for sharing!
Love all of your beautiful pin cushions and the chance to win. I currently own 22 pin cushions (oh my!) But each one is unique and precious to me. I can't wait until my posting time on Friday. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.
Happy quilting,
I have a finger pincushion, yours is adorable and I love that owl. I am leaving my email in my comment because I know I am a no reply blogger.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
I have one and it's an old fashioned tomato... Isn't that sad!
Thanks so much for sharing. Love your pincushions. They are gorgeous. I have about 1/2 dozen pin cushions in total, but always seem to revert back to my old stand-by tomatoe.
Thanks to this blog hop, I have a gazillion pincushions! Well, not quite that many but wait til Friday and I will show you a bunch of them! Love your homespun pincushion.
I probably have about a dozen different pincushions in all. My favorite is s slice of cake that I found the pattern for several years ago. Your pincushions are just delightful! Thanks for sharing.
I have few pincushions and a big bag of the walnut shells that I bought at our local quilt show so I could make pincushions for Christmas gifts!!
Your pincushions are wonderful. The one with the victorian bunny is stellar. I have maybe 10 pincushions. Don't think Ihave a favorite.
Wow! They are great! Of course, I did embroider my pincushions, too. See me on the 12th! :-)
Your pincushion is so sweet. And, your friends make some great pincushions too. I have a few pincushions all with different uses--sharp long pins with glass heads, flowerheads, short applique pins and even odds and ends. I don't have a favorite dessert--I love 'em all.
Beautiful pin cushions. Awesome stitching!
Your pincushion is so sweet. I love the homespun and the embroidery.
Thanks for sharing.
xo jan@sewandsowfarm
Love your pincushions. Thanks for sharing your creativity and for the memory provoking question. My favorite pincushion is one my youngest made for me when she was in third grade. I love it.
Great pincushions but I love your homespun one the best. I'm not exactly sure how many I have but it always seems there is not one available when I need it!! lol
Beautiful pincushions. That bunny is adorable. I own 3 pincushions 2 I made . Plain basic functional. The bigger one sits on my cutting table. The smaller by my machine . And the 3 rd is my favorite . It is a little tiny wicker basket with a handle and is only about3 & 1/2 inches high and maybe 2 inches wide. I keep it in my hand sewing basket I take with me in the car or when I am going somewhere and have to wait. So I can stitch to pass the time. It is probably about 16 years old and still going strong. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway. Love the home spun cushion you created.
Love your pincushions. My favorite is a very old one that was a souvenir from Niagra Falls . I love vintage pincushions. Bu I have a huge collection,
Cute pincushions! I had a similar experience at Pet Supplies Plus. I also found crushed walnuts there! I have a fairly extensive collection. Not sure of how many I actually have. I'll show some new and a few old favorites tomorrow!
Wow! Charming pin cushions. I have a special treasure - a pincushion made by a girlfriend which is wool dome, inside a mason jar lid. Her mom tatted a round motif & it is on top of the wool. Very pretty to have. I think I have five hand made pincushions & a couple of the tomato store bought ones.
Hmmm....I think at last count I have four pincushions. Thanks for the chance to win!
I only have one pin cushion. I'm sure I have another one somewhere, but I haven't seen it since we moved into our condo. I still am looking for my boxes of DMC thread also. I've still got boxes that I haven't gone through in my storage closet. I gave up looking and just made a pin cushion. I thought I'd probably find some good ideas for a couple more following this blog hope. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi there Thearica! Loved your pin cushions. I have exactly two and am in need of more. One of my friends is making me some! Very good!
I had the same thing happen to me at PetCo when I went in to ask for crushed walnuts!! I found it in the reptile section of all places!!
Love your pincushions
Gmama Jane
Similar story at a big box pet store. I knew they carried them as their online site had them. The manager was dumbstruck. Your pincushions are sew very clever. The bunny is uber adorable. Great hop...
Cute pin cushions!
Lots of really cute pinnies.
I have 4 pinnies all made and given to me as gifts...I love them all.
I'm not sure how many pincushions I have but my favorite is the one my son made for me out of a tuna can when he was little. He's 33 now and I treasure it.
I love them all, especially the rabbit.
I don't have very many pin cushions just two or three - I tend to use my shirt lots. I'll take pins out and put them in my shirt and then reuse them. I use boxes and let the pins go "freestyle." I love pin cushions for looks, but feel confined by them and the amount of time it takes to put the pins in them. I really need to be a little more disciplined about my pins and needles. I do have one that a lady at an online quilt store sent me when I first ordered from here. She and I became friend while she was in business and unfortunately she had to close her shop. So, I treasure it. I'd like to make some pin cushions for the quilt guild's boutique for our quilt show in June 2014. Thanks for participating and sharing your awesome pin cushions. As always you are very generous with your giveaway. You keep giving ideas that make me want to spend more $ - like the book!!!! lol
I have a few pin cushions that I have made. I guess my favorite one would have to be a jar that I covered with a old piece of cutter quilt. Its the one I use the most.
Your house pin cushion is just darling! My favorite, and mast handy, pin cushion is my new Cube cushion. It holds all my tools and is just fantastic!
I have about a dozen pincushions... my favorite is one that was made for me by a friend out of wool covered with leaves & flowers. I use it when I'm doing hand stitching. Your house is adorable!
Great pincushions - I especially like the rabbit!
I have half a dozen pincushions - my favourite is one my daughter made for me when she was young!
Cute, cute pincushions. I have about half a dozen pincushions. I really like the chicken pattern and have made several. I also used Moda's heart pattern to make pincushions for my friends when we attended a quilt retreat last year. I must say that I really like the pincushion I made for this hop--it will be coming up later and is all about time.
Hi Therica I love your cushions, especially the rabbit one. Thank you for your Giveaway I have eight and use probably two all the time. Thanks for sharing. Susie x
My favorite pincushion is one that a friend brought to a retreat. She had a Krispy Kreme box; and when she opened it, she asked if I wanted one. The doughnut pinnies looked just like real KKs!! I told her I didn't care for one, and then I realized they weren't real. It has a special space on my sewing machine table.
All of these are cute Thearica but the rabbit is really sweet...what a treasure it is for your friend. My favorite pincushion(s) are the ones on the four, yes four, thread catchers I have. All were made by friends and I have them all over my house because I seem to have pins and threads on me all the time! blessings, marlene
Love your pincushions. I have discovered the secret to cheaper supplies is to buy them from the store where they are not considered a specialty. Case in point. I needed florists wire (22 gauge), Michaels sells around 5' for $7. I went to Lowes and bought 100' for around $2.75. Granted I now have enough wire to make several dozen stumpwork butterflies, but that is some serious savings. The pliers I needed were no better, $20(michaels) $7 Lowes.
Oh I so love your pin cushions. I have loads of them, but most sit on a shelf and just make me happy! They are definately in need of a bunny like yours. Guess I will have to make note to self! LOL!!
Wow! I love the Victorian themed pin cushion, it's way cool. I only have my tomato (although I really went out of my way to have one merely because my mom has one...) but I'm beginning to see the attraction! Thank you for sharing your projects!
brandizzle7133 at yahoo dot com
All of your creations are beautiful! I really enjoyed the show! Wow the bunny is amazing! I have 10 pincushions sitting on my table but really only use two! Well 12 but those two are going to new homes. Other people made them, little pieces of art! Hope I can add your beauty! Thank you!
They all are great but the apple is just the cutest thing and so appropriate for this time of year.
I love your pincushions. I only have 3, but have been trying to start a collection. Thanks
I love your homespun pin cushion and someone is going to be a happy camper to receive in your giveaway. How sweet of you!
I have enough crushed walnut shells on hand from the place I looked for it to last me 3 lifetimes, I'm guessing. It is lizard bedding or some such thing. They didn't know what I was talking about either at the place I stopped but I managed to just drive about 5 miles instead of 20 to get it! Funny story!
I only have the tomato - but your homespun pillow is a favorite! I want to start making these. Great blog hop!
Hi!!!! These are all very pretty!!!! My favorite is a little mouse a friend sent!!!!
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