I was in Walmart back in 2006 and spied a blue flannel fabric with
pink pigs on it. And if you have followed my blog for any length of
time, you know our love of pigs is pretty big. Well, I bought that
flannel and came home, quilted it up, and surprised my hubby with a
couch throw. At first he was kind of put out that it had pink on it but
as time waxed on he grew kind of fond of this old quilt. Even with all
of the ribbing my brother has given him over it, he still loves it even
now.... and trust me.. my brother can rib pretty hard.
As he has spilled chocolate ice cream on it, coffee, and anything else
in his hands.. it has had quite a few washings. And what does flannel
do when it is washed?...it shrinks... So now he has a hard time keeping
his feet covered.
He has complained a few times that I needed to make
his piggie quilt longer but as hard as I have tried, I could not find
any more of that fabric. So I decided to make him a new quilt!
Now he is as happy as a little pig in the mud! You can see how much
longer this new quilt is and it is wider too. And this quilt is perfect for a middle aged man... Warm colors, brushed cotton, boxy pattern design, nothing fussy... and critters in the quilting design.
I made the new quilt with brushed cotton fabrics from the
Fat Quarter Shop which feel and look like flannel....they also quilted up like flannel. One thing for sure, it is going to be a very warm and cozy quilt for hubby this winter!
My quilting design is frogs and lizards with stippling in between. I used a pantograph which had the frogs and lizards and other bugs and armadillos on it as well but it would have been ultra dense and most likely would have come out stiff as a board. So I chose to skip those elements and only quilt the frogs and lizards. Perfect for this man of mine! He loves bugs of all kinds!
I have put a white square around some of the frogs and lizards. Can you see them?
I asked him what he
wanted to do with the flannel quilt now that he has a new quilt and he
promptly said, "I want to put it in the cedar chest and keep it" ha! I
figured he would say give it to someone but he wants to save it for Miss
Allie one day. Isn't that sweet!!
We did threaten in one of our conversations way back to send the pig quilt to my
brother if I ever made him a new quilt. The amount of ribbing that my
brother gave him over having a pink piggie quilt would serve him right
to open a package from us with the quilt in it. I know my brother... He
would shake his head and say "good grief". lol