I have been traveling all week and wanted to share some things with you this morning. On Monday, my friend Libby and I drove up to Fredericksburg, VA for a 3 day sew-in with friends. We were on a mission to deliver a quilt that a group of 100+ quilters made for a friend who had lost her son. Our friend Tammy is the recipient of this quilt of love and was very surprised when we presented it to her. Some other friends on the forum had sent her a pillow and others had sent her something as well so she had no idea something else was in the works.
Friends who could not make blocks sent funds to help with backing, sashing fabrics and batting and all left over funds went to purchase a couple of extra keepsake gifts. Tammy loves sea turtles so I bought her a glass sea turtle at the Hallmark Store. I also had enough funds to purchase the friends hugging figurine. This symbolizes all of the many hugs she was sent and is still being sent by all of her quilting friends.
This is Tammy and her mom...
And friends Karen (left) and Libby (right)
I got home around 6pm on Wednesday evening and left again on Saturday morning at 7am to take my mother in law Mildred and sweet Aunt Neva to see their sister in Havelock, NC. We had a blast! Aunt Lynda made us right at home with foot soaks when we got there and a wonderful dinner of homemade beef vegetable stew with stove top cornbread fritters! yummy! We drove down the coast to meet up with Aunt Lynda's daughter for lunch on Sunday before heading home. Aunt Lynda treated everyone to a delicious seafood lunch! Mildred, Aunt Neva and I all ordered fried shrimp, Aunt Lynda had fried oysters and Leanne had the fish tacos. The food was excellent so we were all stuffed when we left!
And oh yes we spied a quilt shop... and yes.. we had to buy something.. But it wasn't fabric.. Actually it is the first quilt shop that I have been in that did not sell fabric. they had tons of ready made quilts for sale, gift ware, and antiques.
It just so happened to have been Leanne's birthday the day before so we bought her a set of placemats for her dinner table and a potpourri bowl that had the aroma of vanilla, actually called a wax pottery vessel. The Habersham Candle Company makes the potpourri bowls right here in the United States, down south in Georgia. These are not candles... they have a fragrance built right in so you only display them and enjoy the aroma without having to search for matches.
They did not have a photo of the vanilla vessel that we purchased at the Quilt Cottage so I will show you a couple of others. Go to the candle website to view them all and the other items they have on the market.
And my birthday is this coming Friday so my mother in law bought me this sweet and cuddly piggy for my birthday. It was between this and a new leather satchel (the satchel was not at the Quilt Cottage), and the piggy won! I just love him! Thank you Mildred!
We had an excellent time all the way around but on the way home it started to mist rain and the sky darkened up. It was a miserable 3+ hours drive home and I was so glad to be safely tucked under my quilt and in the recliner resting before bedtime.