Charity is near and dear to my heart so you can tell as you read over
past post on my blog. I have been involved with charity work for over
30 years varying from working with a volunteer fire department, my Alma
Mater, having benefits for families who needed help, and making quilts
for children and the sick, and helping to raise funds for different organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. It is part of what makes me, ME.
I have been working with The Masonic Home for Children and The Central
Children's Home, both in Oxford, NC for some time with the ongoing help of quilters from the HGTV Quilting and Needlework Forum, presenting the
children who reside at both homes, quilts to call their very own. These
children live in the homes for various reasons and the gift of a quilt
can go a long way in making them feel special and loved.
When we present these quilts I always ask the cottage caretakers to never
discipline the children by taking away their quilts and they always give
me their word that such an act will never happen.
Would you consider helping us reach the remaining children at these
homes? Can you make a quilt to send for a child? We would truly
appreciate any and all support from quilters far and wide!
Due to health problems with my legs, I am asking for finished quilts as I
cannot quilt very much myself at the moment. I will be making a few to
present myself but I cannot stand and quilt several that might get sent
in as tops on top of the ones I will be making too. I hope you all
The children range in age from 6 weeks to 18 years of age so we need
quilts ranging in sizes from at least 54 x 62 and up to 72 x 80. Please
put a label on the back that will have a place for me to write the
child's name so that their quilt can never be questioned who it belongs
to. Feel free to put your name on the label as well so the child can see
who gave them the quilt (first name only is sufficient) and your
location would be great. Just be sure to have a spot for the child's
This will be an on-going quilt drive for the year 2013 so do not feel
that you have to "hurry up" and get a quilt finished. They house the
children 5 to a cottage within a 5 year age span so as I get multiples
of 5 quilts in the same size, my friend Marie and I will go over and
present those quilts.
I will always post photos of the presentations but due to privacy laws, I
cannot post photos of the children's faces. Here are a few of the past
presentations to the children. This is the way photos have to be made
in order to make them public on the internet.
We hope that you will consider helping us to reach the many children who
live in these homes with a quilt that they can call their very own.
Thank you to all who will answer this call. :)
Please comment on this post if you would like to be a part of this and I
will start a list of quilters with a link to your blog. Non-bloggers
are also welcome and encouraged to participate!
When you are ready to mail your quilt in please send an email for my mailing information.
I will keep a count of everyone's quilts as they come in and at the end
of the year, 2 weeks before Christmas, I will put your name in a
drawing the number of times as the same number of quilts you sent in
throughout the year.
I will draw 3 names from all of the entries and send nice prizes for participating!
Please grab the button and add it to your sidebars to help spread the word.