March 19, 2015

Some Of My Stitching

I would like to thank you all for coming by my blog to see what I have to share.  I dabble in a little bit of a lot of things but one thing I am trying to sharpen, are my embroidery skills.  I love to crazy quilt and embroidery skills are a must.  Before I started crazy quilting I basically had never embroidered anything, but fast forward 8 years+ and my skills are getting better.

I have been a needleworker most of my life, creating my first quilt blocks by hand at the age of 8.  My granny Ella taught me but would not let me use her sewing machine.  Those are the only quilt blocks I ever hand pieced but I have been quilting, sewing and using a needle ever since!
Next to a needle and sewing machine is my favorite place to be.

Although I have been a quilter for the past 36 years, I have found that I can find contentment and enjoy just sitting with a different kind of needle in my hand at various times.  I love to cross stitch, embroider, knit and needlepoint.  But not in that order.  I actually don't have a favorite any longer...
I just love to Create! no matter how!

The first photos I will share with you today are of some pieces I have done that involve creating trees.  I want to do a study in trees eventually.  My idea is to create trunks with various elements and then create the tree tops with as many materials as I can possibly find that will work.

First up is a tree that I did with a water theme.  This is the likings to a weeping willow growing by the side of a pond.  I used silk ribbon french knots to create the tree itself and did basic embroidery for the branches and other elements within the piece.

A close up of the embroidery work on the background of the piece.

This tree I call the fairy Goddess.  I used large leaf charms and buttons to create the tree top and embroidered a simple chain stitch for the tree itself.  I want to re-visit this tree and maybe do a satin stitch to fill in the trunk so you don't see the block background as you do here.

This tree is one of my favorites!  I call it my Apple Tree... hence the red and green vintage buttons.  I used tons of small buttons to create the tree top and then using silk ribbon, I created the tree trunk itself.  I did not do french knots in the tree but only pulled the silk ribbon through so far and then stopped each time before pulling it tight.  
I love the texture it gives the trunk.

To get away from the trees a bit, I have quite a bit of embroidery on this grandmothers fan piece.  My chain stitch and back stitch still need some honing but I am getting there little by little. I enjoyed embroidering and beading this piece and the use of the birds all hand dyed is the perfect finishing touch.  My friend Nicki hand dyes laces and I get my pieces from her.

I can't end without showing all of you my best masterpiece to date. In 2010 I had achilles tendonosis and was recliner bound for over 4 months so this piece was started for my oldest granddaughter as her 8th birthday present.  It took me a couple of months beyond that to get it completed but it is my best work yet.  There is a ton of embroidery work in this piece.

Allie's Tea Party

When I started this Allie's favorite color was pink... everything in her room was pink and just about every piece of clothing she owned had to be pink!  She also loved to have tea parties in her bedroom with friends or whoever would oblige her... sometimes that would be my hubby. :)

Fast forward 5 years and her room has changed quite a bit.. now it has horses, lassos and camouflage everywhere.  I asked her if she would like for me to bring her tea party piece home with me to safeguard it for her until she got married and she promptly told me it was not leaving her wall.  So  Allie's Tea Party hangs out with all the horses and camouflage and they all live happily together in her bedroom.  She makes this grandma smile. :)

Here are several close ups showing detail work.

Thank you for your visit today.  I hope that I have inspired you in some small way to go and pick up a needle and thread and stitch something. 


Sparky said...

I never quite understood crazy stitches, because there is nothing crazy about them..the ones in pink with Allie are beautiful....there is plenty of stitches to be seen and admired

maria demina said...

Wow! The things you do are so unusual! Allie's Tea Party is beautiful, so many details. Unbelievable!

Amy said...

Allie's Tea party is just delightful. I love it. So much work is involved with each piece. I love looking at your masterpieces.

Quiltsmiles said...

Your crazy quilting is stunning and I love it with so many details! You are one very talented lady nice to get to know you further.

Tammy said...

Just beautiful and very inspiring...

Marilyn said...

I love your trees and of course Allie's tea party. Its nice to see it again. My two favourite things to do are sane quilting and crazy quilting, as you know. I remember the first thing I ever sewed was a little rag doll about 4" tall, by hand, when I was 7 or 8. And I started embroidery about the same time. I do love to sew :)

Jeanie said...

All of these are so wonderful! I love the added dimension and character that the extra stitching adds... makes everything so special and unique.

Linda said...

All of the projects you've shown us today are beautiful, but you're right, that last one is a masterpiece! Stunning!

Anita said...

Oh, my gosh, Allie's Tea Party is amazing! I totally agree that this is your masterpiece!

Needled Mom said...

Allie's Tea Party is absolutely stunning. Your stitching is GORGEOUS. You do such nice work, Thearica.

Daria said...

Dear Thearica, thank you so much for visiting my blog! I am also happy to find yours thanks to "Meet and Greet" project. You have very unsual works! It's a pleasure for me to become your new follower!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Lovely stitching on both items. I keep thinking that I need to make a crazy quilt one day.

Vickie said...

What will you do with those beautiful trees ? Will they be a quilt or individual pieces ? Gorgeous Thearica ! Allie's is feminine and simply stunning.

Helen L said...

No wonder your granddaughter won't let you take that embroidery piece home: it is just amazing!!! So many wonderful details in it! You have great embroidery skills in my opinion! !Hugs, H in Healdsburg

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

Visiting from Eastern Canada. Your work is lovely. Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.

CathieJ said...

Beautiful embroidery. Allie's Tea Party is very pretty.

Baa. xxx said...

Allies Tea Party is just stunning! I can fully understand why she isn't giving it back to you. I am sure it is perfectly at home with the horses and camouflage! Ha! You are an amazing needlewoman!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

My grandmothers were huge influences on me too - both were avid quilters (which isn't my forte, unfortunately). My maternal grandmother had a treadle machine and as a little girl I was allowed to push the treadle while she sewed. I thought I was so special to have such an important job! I do think that my being creative today most likely is as a result of all that treadle pushing (And playing in her button box!).

Anonymous said...

Your detailed handwork is exquisite. What an inspiration! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Lydia said...

How gorgeous! I love crazy quilting, embroidery, and embellishments. You do beautiful work!

Stitching Noni said...

Oh wow! I love your crazy quilting! Allie's Tea Party is absolutely beautiful.
I don't quilt, but my husband does... he has completed a couple of beautiful crazy quilts over the last few years.
Hugs xx

ChitterChatterDesigns said...

What a creative approach. I love all of your beautiful stitching. So many little details, I bet your dear Allie never tires of that, always something new to see in that piece.

Farm Quilter said...

Your handwork is amazing!!! The variety of stitches is incredible and you do them so well!!!

Carol Swift said...

Such beautiful stitching in all your pieces...amazing!

Sherry said...

I love what you said, I love to create no matter how! I feel the same way. Your crazy quilting is so beautiful and I just love what you made for your granddaughter, it is something to treasure.

Katie Joy said...

Your crazy quilt is beautiful!

Renee said...

Embroidered trees are among my very, very favorite things and yours are gorgeous! It never occurred to me that silk ribbon French knots could make a tree trunk. I just LOVE the texture. Your work is gorgeous! And Allie's Tea Party is one of my favorite CQ pieces to view. Beautiful!

Unknown said...

So beautiful stitching !!
I love your crazy quilting!
Greetings from Germany

Anonymous said...

Allie's Tea Party is quite lovely! Your needlework is perfection!

Vickie said...

I've been trying to reply to your last comment on my blog but it won't go through, it keeps coming back to me undelivered....what's up with that ? This is my reply :
It's so much fun ! The kit is sooooo worth it ! And I'm the girl who NEVER buys kits, but in this case having the fabrics gave me the confidence I needed. If it's the first collage you've done, having to figure out what floral fabrics to use could be daunting.

Gmama Jane said...

Beautiful stitching!!! The little girl is pricelesss
Gmama Jane

Cindy Maki said...

Wow. Simply gorgeous. I have taken one Crazy Quilt class and quite enjoyed the process. Your work is so beautiful. I can understand why A decided to keep it forever. I would too.

Zabawa said...

Your works, remarkable and a little exotic for the Russian tradition! It was very interesting to consider them! Thanks!
Antonina (Tonja), Russia.

Mary Ann said...

Just catching up. Absolutely beautiful work. Thanks for sharing. The Tea Party made me want to be a little girl again. Heart warming.

Nancy L said...

Beautiful work. Thanks for the giveaway.

suesinger said...

I recently finished a simplified wool crazy. Yours are so much more detailed than mine.

Soso said...

This blog is so nice to me. I will continue to come here again and again. Visit my link as well.
Good luck
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Sharon Dawn said...

Your work is beautiful!