October 21, 2013

1 Scissor - 2 Scissors - 3 Scissors More

Carol of Just Let Me Quilt posted a photo of her scissor collection a couple of days ago and it has inspired me to show mine off!  I went in search of all my scissors and I was really taken aback at how many I actually have!!  Mind you, I have only purchased a dozen of these pair of scissors... the rest have been gifts!

I would start with the very first pair of scissors that I used in Home Economics if I still had them. I am sure my mother had them at one time but I have no clue where they got off to. So instead, I will start with the first pair of scissors I used after I got married and started sewing full time in 1979.  My late ex-father in law gave these  Ginghers to me.  They belonged to his late wife, the grandmother to my girls.  One day I will hand these down to one of them.

These Ginghers were the very first pair of scissors that I purchased for my very own.  I was so proud to walk out of Ken's Sewing Center with these in my hand.  This was somewhere near 1982.

Ken gifted these Wiss pinking shears to me when I traded my first New Home machine (purchased from them in 1980)  in on a brand new one.  I literally burnt the motor up on the old one because I sewed so much!

Ken's son, after much debating, gifted these Ginghers to me when I purchased a brand new Janome from them.

These Gingher's were also a thank you gift from Ken's Sewing Center for yet another machine purchase! They are loving me by now! :)... Seriously, they are just plain good folks to do business with!  They are my "go-to" machine dealer!

These 2 pair of 9" Ginghers were gifted from Ken for the purchase of my Brother 10 needle embroidery machine and my granddaughters first Janome!

These brand new Ginghers were sent to me this week from Ken's son Jeremy for sending them a brand new customer who purchased 2 machines last week!!

These 2 little pair of Ginghers are so precious!  One was purchased at JoAnn's fabrics and I won the other pair with the scissor fob from a blog giveaway!


Can you tell what brand of scissors are my favorite!! Ginghers cannot be beat!!...  and neither can Ken's Sewing Center !

The next 5 pc collection of scissors came from Mary Jo's Cloth Store.  They sell used scissors and I snagged these for 1.00 a pair!

I purchased these scissors from McKenna Ryan. I am working with some continuum patterns that I purchased from Willow Bend Creations and these are perfect for cutting around these designs!  They pivot on a dime!!  ... and I cannot say just how perfect they are for cutting lace motifs from lace yardage!

These 2 little pair of Westcotts were sent to me as gifts from friends.  I have been in a few secret sister swaps and I love finding things like this in my packages.

These came with my embroidery machines.

I purchased this set of  Fiskars because I had heard so many good reviews on them. They are ok but give me my Ginghers any day.

The pair with the red inside the finger holes were purchased to cut dear hubby's hair. The other 2 were gifted by friends.

This pair came in a gift from a friend.

These also came from friends.  Although not technically scissors but they do cut.

These were gifted by a friend during a secret sister swap.  I smiled real big when I opened these babies!

I love the color blue so when I spotted these at Walmart, they had to come home with me.  I was going to use them as an alternate pair of scissors to cut hubby's hair but my fat fingers get hung in the holes!  Can we say ouch!! By the way, these are perched a'top my grandfather's barber shop mirror.

This 3 piece set of scissors was in one of my monthly secret sister packages.  I use these for paper cutting so I am not inclined to use my Ginghers.

Were you counting?? If you were, if you came up with 32 you are correcto mongo!!!  YEP! I own 32 pairs of scissors!  And this is not counting the 2 pair in my kitchen drawer... and the 2 pair in my hubby's bathroom drawer for his personal use.  Can you say that I am scissor poor!!


Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

I have four scissors in my stash... one old gingher (with a sad, sad notch - gasp!), a new pair of ginghers and then two embroidery scissors :)

Shawkl said...

My count is twenty-one; more that I would have guessed. I posted on my blog (shawkl.com) today with links...so please count me as three.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I only own about eight pairs of scissors and have never owned a pair of Gingher scissors, but would love to try them. Thanks for the chance!

andri. said...

I have 2 scissors! You sure have a lot:)

Anonymous said...



Carol Swift said...

My goodness you have lots of scissors! Most of my everyday scissors are packed away but I doubt I have as many as you. :0)

Sewgreen said...

I only have 4 pairs of scissors. A big pair of fiskars, 2 small pairs with a spring, a pair of pinking shears.

Anonymous said...

Sadly no Ginghers, but I do have 7 pairs, including a pair that were my great-grandmother's.

Needled Mom said...

I hate to say it, but I think I might be in competion with you for the number of scissors. I will have to go count to be sure, but there must be in the 30s range. I agree with you that the Ginghers cannot be beat. I love them. I think I need a Ken's near me!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

I have a pair of gingher embroidery scissors that I purchased over 30 years ago. They were very dear to me. Now I have about 12 all together, including the ginormous pair that was DH great grandmother's that she used when she worked for GM years ago making upholstered seats for them. I think they are about 15 inches long and weigh a lot!

VickiT said...

You have some really great scissors in your collection for sure. I haven't counted but think I have about 13 pair. Most of those are tiny ones used with my machine embroidery. I think I've got 7 small pair like that. And I have a large pair, not sure which size they are but they're Fiskars with the spring handle. I really haven't gotten any really nice scissors like Gingher but would love to add those to my others as I have heard very good things about them.

Createology said...

There is something about scissors that I adore and have a very difficult time passing up. My first pair of Ginghers were purchased and gifted to me by my beloved Grandma. I have shared my addiction for scissors in past blogs however I cannot count the number as Mr. C would never let me hear the end of it. He doesn't understand having multiple pairs of scissors. Poor man! I adore your collection and how you know each pair so well. How very generous of Ken's Sewing Center to gift a pair of Ginghers to one of your lucky blog followers. Blessings and Creative Stitching Bliss Dear...

Jocelyn said...

I think I have three pair of scissors that I use for sewing and quilting. There are others, but they are "domestic" scissors to use for paper or knitting. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Ginghers are supposed to be really good, and I would love to give them a try :-)

JoyceLM said...

I have 10 pairs of scissors. I try to keep 3 pairs of "you can cut anything with these scissors" easily available, so my husband won't be tempted to use my good, better, best fabric scissors. Thanks for the giveaway.

barbara woods said...

we have many but i have 3 that are just for fabric. thanks for the chance

Jeanie said...

I'm not even sure....not as many as you, but probably 25ish. I have several enameled Gingher sets....I just love the great colors. Scissors are kind of addicting..... you can only use one at a time, but you need to have several pairs in every room!

Quilting Tangent said...

I have 1 sewing scissor. Allot of other scissors from kitchen, all purpose, hair, kids safety, etc. But only 1 to cut fabric.

Christine M said...

WOW! That is some scissor collection! I'm guessing I have about 10 pairs. They are mostly small ones for embroidery.

Alice Ronne said...

Hmmm....I think I have about 6 that I use for only sewing/knitting. Thanks for the chance and I'll keep my fingers crossed!

tpott said...

Please don't enter me in the giveaway, I just wanted to comment. I also LOVE my Ginghers, I have 7 inch knive edge scissors, appliqué and little black snips. I also have numerous other assorted fabric and paper scissors. You have a lovely collection. It's amazing what collections we quilters/sewers have. Toni Anne ;->

Nupur said...

I have one in the kitchen, one by the sewing machine, one for paper, one for fabric, one in knitting bag for a not so grand total of 5 scissors ;) Loved seeing your collection.

Frog Quilter said...

I probably have 20 pair in my sewing room. Every other room also contains at least two pairs.

pizzaeater said...

I have 6 pairs of scissors but I am always open for one more.

Betsy said...

I have three pairs. Thank you for the chance

Barbara said...

By my machine I have 1 pinking scissor, 1 small Fiskar spring-loaded for thread snipping & 1 large Fiskar spring-loaded pair for fabric. By my chair is a pair of small embroidery scissors. That makes 4 for me (no Gingher) and then numerous all purpose ones for everyone else. ;)

LJ said...

I'm a lover of Gingher scissors, too, though I don't have so many!! My mom gave me a pair of scissors while I was in high school and I used them for many years; they are now 'paper scissors'. I bought my first Ginghers about 40 years ago and finally had to have them sharpened about 2 years ago...not because they were dull but because there was a little nick in one of the blades. I always wipe off the blades of my scissors after using them; I swear that's why those Ginghers have kept their edge. I have about 10 pair of 'sewing' scissors.

barb said...

i have two pair, one belonged to my deceased daughter the other is a small pair to snip thread babscorbitt at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

I have 11 pair. I also am a Gingher Scissor person. Can you imagine my excitement when we bought our "antique" house with all the contents....Singer Sewing Machine, vintage patterns, hand tatted lace, and 2 pair of Gingher Scissors. I sent them in to be refurbished and they are good as new!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

You gave me such a great idea for a post! Thank you. Not only did you get a mention, so did Ken's Sewing Center, and my husband says I can start going to AA meetings with his buddy he will sponsor me because of my sewing machine addiction.

Tammy said...

I have a pair of dollar store scissors int office and kitchen. I have a pair of duck billed appliqué scissors and the Lil aqua handled ones that came with embroidery machine. I also have 2 new pair of Walmart Fiskers teachers scissors I recently got off clearance for 2 bucks each. A pair of pink handled shears for cutting heavy fleece and about 4 other older pairs of cheap Walmart scissors that need to be buried in a trash can somewhere. I would love to own a nice pair of Ginghers. I have been drooling over them for years.

Vickie said...

I'm not sure, hold on let me go count............Holy cow I have 20 pair that I could find right off hand ! I would never have thought to count them. My favorite pair are the ones Ranchman found in a field he was plowing some years ago. I've always wondered why they were there. They're very old and have a pretty design engraved on them.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Não sei quantas...Mas tenho uma histórica que era da minha avó.Tenho as primeiras que são dos anos 70.Obrigada.

charlotte said...

I have 6 pair, all Fiskers. I would love a good pair of scissors. I have been saving my rolled coins towards a pair of Dovos at my LQS. Almost have enough.

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

I have 7 pair ! I have never actually thought about it before -- thanks for sharing your neat collection with us!.

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL ! When I saw all your scissors, I had to count mine and the boys's ones.... we have a total amount of 8...... so I am faaaaaaar far behing your record!!

Marilyn said...

Gosh, I can't even come close - I only have 11 pair. However, if I am lucky enough to win, then I'd have 12 :). Now, as to how many rotary cutters I own - yikes, who knew there were so many hiding in the scissor drawer.

LA Paylor said...

Oh, I can't add that high! I'm sure I rival your count, but they are scattered all over the house. There are about 12 various pair on the cutting and sewing tables and a few in take along bags. Only a couple are ginghers though, they are my special applique ones.
LeeAnna Paylor

Sparky said...

You cut me up...wow....no i dont have nearly as many as you, and i dont think i need even one more pair....good luck everyone

RJ said...

I am chuckling over the very keen or should I say sharp puns! Definitely cutting edge. I own 6 pairs of scissors but need to find a good pair for shears since the weight of an old 9" Wiss is getting to heavy for my hands. Thank you for the draw and to Ken's for offering a pair.

grandmarockton said...

I have 10 pair but to find them to take a picture may take awhile________ cause some are in that SAFE place?!

Momma Bear said...

I love my scissors! I have many many pairs and lo betide the knaive who uses them improperly!
I have linked back to you through my blog and endorsed all. even though in my heart of hearts I know I DO NOT need another pair of scissors, I like to join and spread the fun, I have 15 pair-let the gift go to someone not as cuttingly endowed as I.

Anonymous said...

I only have 2 pairs of scissors and I don't really like either one, thanks for the chance!
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

Emily C said...

I have 5, 6 if I could find my pinking shears.

Patty said...

Love Ginghers. I have many pair also.

Lourdes said...

I have about 6 pair of every day use for anything, and one pair of Fiskars for fabric ONLY that I hide from DH. I have never tried the Ginghers. Hope I win!!!

Shari said...

I spent a day collecting and counting the scissors at my house, ACK! I have over 40 scissors if you count the ones I use in the kitchen as well. The smallest/shortest set is just 2.5 inches long, the largest, lonegest set is about 12.5 inches long....my husband's 'shears'...that is what he calls them. In the embroidery line I have storks, roosters and little brightly painted fairy ladies in with all the silver, gold, red, blue, orange and purple handled ones. Were we counting pinking shears? Some of those too, lol. Would they all love to have a new neighbor to share some of the cutting load....you betcha! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great set of scissors.

usagypsy said...

I think 6 pairs. But sometimes I find pairs stashed that I have forgotten about. That's where the cute little embroidery scissors I am using now came from. Stashed with some floss and a pleasant surprise to find them again :) oh and I'm not counting my paper crafting decorative scissors. That might add a dozen to the 6 pairs!

Becki said...

I have 20 pair of scissors. I used to work at Piecegoods Fabrics, and we carried Ginghers. I love them. I would grab my scissors whenever a customer tried to cut coupons with the!!! I have two pair of pinking shears--one that works really well and one that doesn't work so well!! I would have forgotten about the barber shears if you hadn't mentioned cutting your husband's hair!!!

The Nikkels said...

Sewing scissors.. I own 6 pair.. not gonna count all the wavy cutting ones for scrapbooking or the kids scissors or the kitchen scissors :) You have quite the collection there for sure!!!! Love seeing them all in the same photo.. fun photo!!!

Jeanette Nelson said...

I have eight pairs if you don't count the crafting scissors. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marti M said...

I have about seven pairs of scissors, but no ginghers would love to win.

SewCalGal said...

What a fun post. I think you are the Queen of Scissors.
If I count out all my scissors I have
- super sweet butterfly scissors (which I won at Pigtales and Quilts years ago and love)
- pair of ginger scissors I inherited from my mother and will always treasure
- small scissors I bought at joanns for embroidery.
- paper scissors

I think I need more scissors. What do you think. Never realized I should own 30+ pairs, but always felt I could never find scissors when I needed them. Definitely going to shop for new scissors.


Unknown said...

Well, call me a slouch at nine pair of scissors. I would love to have a pair of Ginghers as I don't have even one.

Linda V said...

I have one pair of sewing shears which are missing as we speak. I also have 3 pair of tiny scissors for snipping threads. Thanks for the contest.

sherry said...

10 pairs and i gave away my large ginghers to my daughter

Lisa said...

I have 4 pairs - two for sewing and 2 in the kitchen! You have an amazing collection! I would love a pair of Ginghers!

Brenda said...

I have 9 pairs! Oh my! I didn't realize I had that many. So why can't I find a pair when I need them? LOL!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Haha...this has been so much fun to read! I have about 10 pair...only one one good pair that I keep (hidden) for fabric! Would love to try out a great pair of scissors!

Gene Black said...

I am guessing by doing a mental inventory, but I would say I have 11 or 12 pairs of scissors. But I could be missing some of them. Should I count the wavy edge paper cutters?...if so we would add 5 to that number.

Sallie said...


Bonnie Pfrimmer said...

WOW! That is some serious scissor collection. I have 3 pairs of scissors. So I have some catching up to do. Thank you for the chance to add to my collection.

Lisa said...

Hi, i blogged about my scissors http://intheboondocks.blogspot.com/2013/10/scissors-giveaway.html

Lisa said...

I also pointed everyone here for the giveaway and Ken's store! Thank you for the great giveaway!

Debbie said...

I h Thanksave 5 or 6 pairs. None of them very good. I would love to win those Ginghers!

Kim said...

I have 2 for paper and 3 for fabrics.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I have just counted 7 pairs of scissors though two of those are REALLLLY crummy childrens craft/paper scissors - oh and I forgot the kitchen shears - 8 scissors here in my house!!

Rina Mason said...

I was afraid to count how many pairs I have but curiosity got the best of me and to my astonishment I have 34 pairs. Sadly only one pair are Ginghers and they are the Knife Edge Applique scissors. If I remove the everyday, cut anything ones from the count I still have twenty pairs for sewing and yet only use only three of them most of the time. I would love to win the Ginghers shears to add to my collection and then I could retire the Fiskars shears I use.

Anonymous said...

HI, I have about ten pair of scissors, 2 for the Kitchen, 1 for paper,1 for Embroidery,1 for Hardanger,1 for snipping at the sewing machine,1 large scissors for cutting fabric and 2 vintage meduim fabric scissors of my Grandmother's.
Thanks for a great giveaway!


Unknown said...

I have at least 15 pairs that I can think of, for various uses, including some really old ones from my Mom, and from my Grandmother. But nary a one is a Gingher, and I've been wanting some Gingher's! So thanks for the chance!!

Unknown said...


Joyce Carter said...

I have two pair--a large metal pair and a small Fiskar pair. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Janarama said...

I have about 6 pair of scissors for sewing/handwork. All of them are Gingher. There are several other pairs of scissors around the house used for everything but sewing.

Pamela said...

It's wonderful to have tools isn't it? I have one pair of sewing scissors (I've had more but I have a family and scissors seem to migrate to other uses) and I have one pair of applique scissors. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway! And thanks Ken's Sewing Center!

Michele T said...

Wow! You have quite the collection of scissors!! My collection totals to 6.... But I'm always wishing for more, especially a top quality brand. Thanks for the chance.

Tamie said...

I only have about seven pairs of scissors. That is nothing compared to you and none are Ginghers.

Cloud 9 said...

I have 5 pair that I use for sewing, quilting, and needle work.

Joan H. said...

I have 7 pairs of scissors, but only 2 good ones that I hide so someone doesn't cut paper dolls with them. I have never owned a Ginghers but would love to.

Phyllis said...

I have about 8 pairs of scissors, mostly used for my cross stitch needlework and some sewing.

ljeanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ljeanne said...

I have 13 pairs of scissors. My favorite pair are Ginghers with red, white, and blue handles.

Marcy said...

Please don't make me count! There are scissors all over the house. At least two in my hand sewing box, three or four near the sewing machine, two in the sewing drawer in the kitchen, lots in the drawers and one drawer full in the computer room. Your collection is so neat.

Lorene Holbrook said...

scissors? how many? not sure if I can count that high!!!!!! LOL... probably a couple of dozen pairs. I LOVE scissors. is that a sickness? thanks for the chance to win....

Unknown said...

I don't know how many pairs of scissors I have. Do I really have to go and count them? All I know is that when Sam's club puts them on sale, we go buy a set of 4. I have them in a box on the cutting table, more near each sewing machine, on the ironing board, near the computer (why do I need them there????), and in a hanger by the back door, in a drawer by the back door, in a kitchen drawer, in the living room, 2 pair in our bedroom, 3 more pair in a bathroom drawer, some in our home office, and in the closet, too. some in our rarely used back bedroom, and the closet there too (I store yarn in there), and lastly in the garage. Oh, and I have some in each vehicle....and there are some in drawers in the sewing room. So I NEED another pair, please!

Judy B said...

Oh my, I adore Ginghers! When I worked for a fabric store, I was in charge of ordering the notions, and the sales rep made sure I had the latest Gingher scissors. How many, well not as many as you, but after 15 I quit counting, lol! Thank you for the fantastic giveaway.

Vicki H said...

I seem to have scissors in nearly every room, probably a total of 10. Then in my sewing room, I have 5...everyone knows those scissors only touch fabric.

Unknown said...

I also love my Ginghers. I recently purchased a Gingher rotary cutter, which I love! I have quit a few scissors in my house, I would estimate about 12 pairs of various scissors.

Tami C said...

I have 6 pairs of scissors. Two are for hair cutting, 1 is in the kitchen, 1 for paper, and 2 for sewing (1 Fiskars and 1 Ginger). Every single one of them needs sharpening!

Julie said...

I have 3 pair and I have to hide them or my husband takes them :)

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

We have three pairs of scissors in my house: 1 for sewing/fabric, 1 for paper, and a set of kitchen scissors.

Needled Mom said...

I did a post with my scissors. I do believe I have you beat. Shamefully so!

Needled Mom said...

I linked back to you and Ken's in my post.

Mara said...

I don't have any ginghers :( But I do have 6 scissors (that I got from IKEA, they are pretty good I use them by my sewing machine, they come in a pack of 3) and then 3 scissors in the bathroom and one pair of scissors in the kitchen, so a total of 10 for me.

lindaroo said...

I've always wanted some Gingher scissors, if I don't win, maybe this is the year to ask for some from Santa! I have one pair of orange-handled sewing shears, two small thread snips, one stork embroidery scissors, and a so-so pinking shears. All of those are carefully kept in my sewing space, and there is a pair (or two!) of scissors in every room of the house for crafts, coupons, gift-wrapping, package-opening, hair-cutting, paper, string, toenails, and everything else.


But I do have 6 scissors just about in everyroom.

lindaroo said...

I counted (22), I blogged (http://lindaschirp.blogspot.com/2013/10/snips.html) and I linked!
Thanks for the fun idea!

GranChris said...

I counted 5 pairs and 3 pairs of snips. Honestly I thought I had more but maybe someone stole them. Wonder what child that would be.

Kim Hazlett said...

I have 15 pair - 4 ginghers, 4 snips, 7 from Germany (cannot remember their name). All beautiful scissors that somehow escape my reach when I need them for a project.

Jean said...

After reading this post, I think I need to run out and buy a few more scissors! None of mine are as cute as these and no ginghers! I have 5 scissors and a couple of "snippers". Thanks for the chance to win.

Peggy said...

Wow, when I counted my scissors, I had no idea I have so many-16. I have them in different rooms of the house but most of them are in my sewing room.

Patty said...

I have 5 pairs, nothing that special but all functional!

Alicia said...

Hi i have 13 scissors, some here ay home in Yucatán and some in my house in chiapas
Great giveaway

Anonymous said...

Oh dear...I only have 2 for sewing - one big, one little. But I do have 4 seam rippers :) VermontPines at aol dot com

DebbieM said...

I have 4 pair of sewing scissors. Two little embroidery ones that are cheap ones. One pair that belonged to my Mom. Cherish those ones and one pair of fairly good ones I bought a few years ago that live in my sewing area. Thank u for the opportunity to win some awesome ones.

Debbie said...

I estimate that I have about 30 scissors, Thearica! I enjoyed your scissors collection review.

Debbie said...

I wrote a blog post about my scissors. Thanks for the fun, Thearica!

Anonymous said...

After reading your blog I decided to count my scissors. I was astonished to find that I have 8 pairs of scissors. None of them are fancy by any means....but wow....8 pairs of scissors. :)

JMac said...

I have 2 pair...a pair of left-handed Ghingers that need servicing since they got dropped and havent worked since. The other is a pair of cheap no-name left-handers I found for next-to-nothing that have been doing the job fo awhile now! Juliemacattack at gmail

KT said...

I think I have 6 pairs!

sue said...

I have 5 pairs, but really use only 3 0f them. Would love to win a new, sharp one!

Robin said...

I have 3 pairs in my sewing room.

Unknown said...

I probably have 20-25 pair. One in every hand project (at least 4),10 at least on the wall, plus nice Ginghers I save and don't use, not counting the "nips" of the cutting world. My favorite are the scrapbooking bumble bee yellow one. They are so very very sharp. A girl cannot have too many scissors.

Quiltsmiles said...

Therica I too have many scissors and have been collecting and using them for quite a while. How many you ask, probably around 50 if not more. Some are collectible and I have them stored nicely and gaze at lovingly at them from time to time. If not collecting scissors than I am collecting fabric and lords knows I have enough of that. LOL

Quiltgirl said...

The first entry for 2014 and get ready for this, I just rechecked My Gingher Designer list to verify: 104 pair of Gingher designer scissors and probably 10-12 pair of who knows what name, they don't count. And would you believe I'm looking for 7 more pair to COMPLETE MY COLLECTION and be up to date with the last ones issued in 2013? YES, I'm a REAL AVID collector and I'm sure not alone, there are gals out there with more than I have and if you ever worked for Gingher, which I didn't, but some of those people even have prototypes that were never issued. Get busy many sites out there to buy from. Good Luck, it's very addictive!