Thank you for taking the time to visit my link that is a part of the Crazy Quilts Are Quilts Too Show!
If you had asked me 3 years ago would I ever consider doing crazy quilting, I would have said no. I had never been drawn to it but I did love to look at other people's work. Although you could give me a needle anytime and I would sit for hours handquilting, taking the time to sew on beads and do the hours of embroidery that crazy quilting takes, never intriqued me. Until a couple of years ago when my friend Nicki talked me into joining one of her CQ One Block Swaps! I could not believe just how much I enjoyed using my imagination and creating a piece for a friend.
If you had asked me 3 years ago would I ever consider doing crazy quilting, I would have said no. I had never been drawn to it but I did love to look at other people's work. Although you could give me a needle anytime and I would sit for hours handquilting, taking the time to sew on beads and do the hours of embroidery that crazy quilting takes, never intriqued me. Until a couple of years ago when my friend Nicki talked me into joining one of her CQ One Block Swaps! I could not believe just how much I enjoyed using my imagination and creating a piece for a friend.
Of course, that first piece was nothing much to look at. I wish I could do that piece over but we all have to start somewhere. My CQ abilities have grown by leaps and bounds over the past 2 years and I thoroughly enjoy creating the pieces I work on. It is like someone else takes over my body and I am mesmerized by what is transpiring right before my eyes!
Of the few things that I was able to get completed in 2010 this CQ piece for my granddaughter Allie takes top honors of being the best thing I think I have ever created in my life! I was very proud of what I had accomplished when I looked at the final piece!
My good friend Nicki issued a challenge to the HGTV quilters to create a crazy quilt block using a teacup, 2 fabrics, 2 charms and a piece of lace. You could use any and all other supplies that you wanted but these things had to be part of your block. She was going to have 1st - 3rd prizes after the ladies who had made the blocks, voted for their top 3!
I won 1st place!! The prize was $100.00 which I spent in Nicki's Etsy shop! Ravioleedreams
My block was designed for my granddaughter, Allie. Her birthday was in October and this is her gift from me. She loves ALL things pink...EVERY new outfit she bought for school this year kid you not... We do get her in other colors but if she could wear pink every day of the year, she would be as happy as a little pig in the mud!
Every time we go home, she always talks Butch into getting in her bedroom floor with her and they have a tea party. She has dress up clothes that she wears but she hasn't talked Butch into dressing up yet but he does drink her "tea"...But bless her poor little dogs heart...she makes her dress up in a frilly tutu skirt and ribbons in her hair... Allie is a mess!!
The first photo is of Allie and my grandson Parker... As you can see, a rare non-pink moment for Allie. :)
And here is the block with lots of close up photos...
Below are a few more pieces of my work since this Tea Party piece! I am trying to expand on my work and hope that I can take my work over the top in the next coming months!
I am linking this post to "It's a Social Hop like Crazy Party" ran by Denyse @ My Crazy Beautiful Life!
WOW Therica!!! This is amazing!
WONDERFUL! Excellent done!
I don't have words to tell you how much I loved your block. Guess you can say it made me speechless! Loving everything about it!!!
Truly gorgeous, Q. It's the best work you've ever done (at least that I've seen). A fabulous block.
That is awesome "crazy" patch-work! Love it! 8-)
That is absolutely gorgeous.. Great work..
Oh wow...this is so stunning. Your stitching is so beautiful and so much to look at on that patch. Thanks for sharing so many photos. Sounds like you have a wonderful time with your granddaughter too.
Stunning piece of work and a well deserved win! Every inch of the block is breathtaking. Love it, love it, love it!! Debbie (Maine)
Congratulations, Thearica! Your work is beautiful. There are so many sections of your block that stand-out alone, so even if I said I love the little fairy with the red hat, I mean the button clusters!
You know you have to keep Crazy Quilting, right?!
Thearica Congrats! this is absolutely stunning. Ellen P
Beautiful in every way. What more could a little girl dream of than to have faries with her at her tea party!!! Debbie S.
Really lovely Thearica! Well deserving of first place. (-; Connie
WOWSERS! You certainly deserve first place, girl! Your block is totally awesome! So dainty and feminine and creative! Hugs, Cathy
Congratulations girlfriend!!! Way to go! I'm thrilled that you won 1st place - so well deserved! We are all going to have to bring our teacups to NC next year for a real teacup party! I can't wait to see it in person - hugs from CA!
Thearica! I've spent ages poring over every little bit of your wonderful block. There are so many little stitching delights from your lovely beaded seam, the headscarf on the little girl, the tiny birds balancing on the grasses, I could go on and on. It is a delight and you certainly deserve to win.
Truely charming! I get lost trying to figure out the first element let alone putting together all these different elements. You make them look so wonderful!
that stitch work is amazing you should be very proud of your work.
Jennifer Swan Hopkins
This is just the most beautiful quilting I have ever seen. You are so talented. I wonder how long it took you to complete this. I wish I could do this.
OMG! your work is beautiful. The detail in amazing. She is one lucky granddaughter. Hugs, Ginger
What a beautiful work of art! I'm sure it will be treasured!
PS-Lovin' the name of your blog:@)
That is gorgeous and so very creative.
Oh my. That is beautiful! You are very good at this. :0)
Bella Rosa Antiques
Even without seeing any of the other squares, I'd give you first prize. This is amazing. For someone who hasn't done a crazy quilt, you certainly did a fantastic job. The detail and fine workmanship is awesome. I know your granddaughter will treasure this all her life. I've stitched a crazy quilt and I know how much work goes into each square. ~ Sarah
That is so adorable with so much beautiful details...Christine
Congratulations on your win! I can see why this won. Every inch of this square is just magical, and the total of it is beautiful. Loved getting to see every wonderful detail up close. I'm so glad you linked this treasure to Favorite Things. laurie
OMG! That quilt is gorgeous. Is it all handwork?
Very pretty tea cup block!
Congrats on your win! I don't think I can ever make this crazy quilt. I can't. Well, geat work and finally I know what it's mean by crazy quilt...
Your work is amazing. I love your blocks.
Thearica! There are no words to describe how beautiful your quilts are. Thanks for coming over and strutting your stuff!
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