August 23, 2024

Comfort Quilt for Elizabeth

 Elizabeth and I met face to face via an online quilting group in 2008.  From that moment on, we have been best friends as if we had known each other our entire lives.  She is a very loving and caring woman!  She moved to Massachusetts from Puerto Rico over 50 years ago.  My husband's friend asked him to go to a Boston/NC State ballgame with him that was being held in Boston in 2008.  I wouldn't let them leave me behind because I knew several quilters via the online group from the area we were heading to and Elizabeth was one of those quilters.  We were going to stay at a Choice Hotel and the quilters had gone and asked if we could use their meeting room for the day and they agreed we could.  We all sat and stitched and talked all day.  We went out for lunch and a little shopping as well.  I made some lifelong friendships from being able to meet them in person.  The online group does a lot of comfort quilts and charity work and when Elizabeth had 2 brothers pass away within 4 months of each other, I put out the call for heart blocks and was able to make this quilt to present to her.  She came for a weeks visit this June, something she has done many times since we met in Boston in 2008 and several times even staying 2 weeks.  I presented the quilt to her and she loved it so very much!  These quilts get prayed over as the blocks are being made and as the quilt is going together and being finished.  It serves as prayers, love and hugs from the ladies who take part for a lifetime to the recipient. 

I am linking up to Alycia Quilts and Finished Or Not Fridays

August 14, 2024

Comfort Quilts for the Minor Family

 My good friend lost her daughter last year and I, along with a group of quilters, have been creating comfort quilts for them.  2 other ladies and the group made a quilt for the mother and the group and I made quilts for the 2 siblings and for the dad.  These quilts are prayed over as the blocks are being made by quilters from all across the USA.  The blocks for the dads and siblings quilts were sent to me for the 3 quilts and I put them together and quilted them.  The family received a heap of blessings when they opened the box. A comfort quilt provides the family members with hugs and love for a lifetime from friends who share the same passion. I am glad I have the means to help make these quilts possible.

Linking up to Alycia and Finished or Not Friday!

July 30, 2024

National World Embroidery Day!

Today is the official World Embroidery Day. It was set up July 30, 2011 by a Swedish Embroiderer’s Guild and since then has spread swiftly around the globe.

I didn't do any embroidery until around 2007/2008. I can't exactly remember when I sat down with needle and floss for the first time to embroidery on a crazy quilt piece. All I do know is, I learned to love it. My maternal grandmother did a little bit of embroidery on pillowcases from back in the day. But her greatest 2 loves were crocheting and quilting. I wish I knew how many things she actually made over the course of her lifetime of 94 years.
I will share a few photos of some of my embroidery. The first pic and the closeups that follow are of a piece I made my granddaughter Allie for her 8th birthday in 2011. It is still my best piece so far. Some of the smaller blocks in the pics were a round robin where someone else made the block and I did the embellishing with embroidery, beads..etc... The button tree block was made for my friend Amanda. It was part of a full block exchange. She stitched and embellished me a piece and I did the same for her.
I am not as skilled as some but my work will hold it's own. I hope you enjoyed the photos.

Linking up with Alycia and Finished or Not Friday

March 13, 2023

Happy Birthday Emilee Claire!

 My granddaughter turned 12 this past week.  Emilee loves cats and does her bedroom in black cats.  Her favorite colors are black, purple and seafoam green (the cats eyes).  So I made her a quilt to fit her bed.  It was a long time in coming as I had never made her a quilt before.  She loved it and I was proud to finally gift her a quilt.

February 17, 2022

TShirt Quilt

I love anything to do with my Alma Mater, Belgreen High School, so when Tressa asked if I would make a quilt with her daughters tshirts, I gladly took the job!  I love how her quilt turned out!

February 15, 2022

Tickled Pink Blog Hop! It's My Day!


Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks is hosting this fun blog hop and I am happy to be participating!  Hopefully this will nudge me back in to blogging!  This is day #2 so if you missed yesterday use the list below and go back and see their tickled pink projects too!  I have been working on customer work so I decided to show off 2 of the most recent finishes as they are both PERFECT for the hop!

The first thing I am showing is a quilt I made using a little girls clothing that she wore the 1st year of her life.  LOTS of pink and lots of little girls tickled giggles.  There were a lot of monogrammed items and I think it turned out great.

My next show and tell is my most current finish and although it may not have pink in it, it is full of HEARTS!  Perfect for Valentine's Day which was yesterday!  The fabrics are all Girl Scout fabrics and the young girls badges will be sewn to the quilt now that it is home.  I quilted the Scout Pledge in the lower solid yellow area below the bottom row of hearts.  I could kick myself for forgetting to take a final photo of the finished quilt once it was bound but I was trying to beat the post office closure the day I bound it so it got boxed and mailed.  I need to ask my client to send me a few pics of it for my files.  I do have this pic that I made to show her the quilt before it went on the frame for quilting.  I am very TICKLED with how it turned out!

Lastly, I want to show off something I made a few years ago when I was headed to a quilting retreat in New Hampshire.  We were all sent a piece of fabric that depicted something you might find there hence the cow fabric since New Hampshire is a Dairy state.  We were instructed to make something with it.  My readers from the past know of my love of pigs, so I made a pig and then made a cow to ride on him.  The challenge fabric is his cape.  I added a sign to the tail of the pig that reads New Hampshire or Bust!  The parasol was the perfect finishing touch!  I gifted him to a friend of mine there at the retreat who also has the same love for pigs.  She is from Iowa.  I asked her just recently if she still had the set and she said she did.  I hope this tickles you as much as it did me to make and gift it!

Thank you for joining me on my day and I hope you love my Tickled Pink Show and Tell!
Please join the other bloggers today and continue through until Thursday so you dont miss a thing!  The list of other bloggers is just below!

Monday, February 14th

March 27, 2021

Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Bill

 All 50 USA states are represented in this quilt.. Sue and Bill's clothing is from Northcott's state flower fabric line. This was a huge swap between 50 ladies. We all had to do 50 blocks using the state fabric we were assigned. At the end we sent them to the hostess and she gave everyone 1 block from each swapper. Was a lot of fun and a whole lotta work but so worth it! 

February 28, 2021

In The Kitchen Stitchn' Blog Hop

 There is a new blog hop on the horizon called In The Kitchen Stitchn'!  Carla over at Creatin' In The Sticks is our host once again!  If you love to be a part of blog hops, head over there and look for the sign up details.  Hops are a lot of fun and I just signed up to show my kitchen item I will be making over the next month and a half!

February 24, 2021

Show Your Stripes Blog Hop! - It's My Day!

                                Hello, thank you for visiting my blog today to peek at my contributions to the 
Show Your Stripes Blog Hop!    
Carla over at Creatin' In The Sticks has put a lot of work in to getting us all prepared for the hop 
                 and this is a big thank you shout out to her!   

I love to make charity and comfort quilts and am currently out of baby quilts.  I generally have a stack in the backseat of my truck in the winter.  If I see a mom with an infant and it is only wrapped up in a receiving blanket I can gift her a quilt right on the spot.  So I have prepared some tops that I still need to quilt but it wont take me long to get them completed and in the truck.

My stylized rose will wrap some little girl up nice warm and cozy don't you think.  The striped inner border just adds to the look.

           I received these fabrics in a kit from a blogger several years ago and now have them in top form just waiting to be quilted.  It is just a dab bigger so it can go to a 1 - 2 year old little boy. You will find some stripe fabric in the quilt and the jelly roll strips make stripes of their own. Some little boy will love this!

      This is one of my favorites.  I didnt use a jelly roll but cut my strips of fabric for this one.  Lots of polka dots and sewn together in stripe form. :)  Very bright and cheery.  It could be for either a girl or boy.  It needs an outer border but I dont have anything in the house to match.. I just might add a multi color stripe border on it or maybe bind it in stripes. Decisions decisions. :)

And I love giveaways so leave me a comment about your quilting endeavors.
Someone will win this Tree of Life panel.  I will use the random number generator on Saturday, Feb 27 at 9am Central time  to choose the comment number and whoever made that numbered comment will win! 
I do have these for sale so if you are interested in one, just give me a shout!

 Well that's it for me.  I hope you have enjoyed being here!  Be sure and visit the other bloggers that are showing their stripes today!  

Thursday, February 25th

                                   Be sure and go back to visit the previous bloggers in the hop!

                                                           Monday, February 22nd

Tuesday, February 23rd

Wednesday, February 24th

Thursday, February 25th

February 14, 2021

Time For A Refresh

Yes, PigTalesandQuilts is gone from the banner but the domain will always point here. I have been back and forth with this decision but I finally made a definitive decision and I believe it is time to retire the old name and bring in the new. Our lives have changed so much over the past 12 years and the old blog name centered around our pottery and the pigs we collected and since we no longer collect it makes sense to refresh the blog. 

 I am in love with my new blog banner!! I bought the image of the machine from a seller off of Etsy and with her permission used it for my blog. I took it in to my photo software and added the words. I love the saying at the bottom and that is SO me! 

I have done some housekeeping on the blog this morning, deleting some irrelevant posts, so the dates will look out of sync but the remaining posts are what matters anyway. I am excited to get back to blogging and I hope you will all come and read my musings. I know it has been a long time and I have tried to get back to blogging a few times but the time just wasnt right. Our lives have slowed down considerably so I am looking forward to blogging and sharing my work. I hope to do a few blog hops again but I dont plan to get in as many as I once did. I just want to hang out with people of like-minds. :) 

To give you some eye candy, I will share this quilt I made for a blog hop a few years ago. It was a lot of fun to make! My hubby still gives me grief for giving it away during the hop. Maybe I need to make a second one just for him. :)

February 7, 2021

Tshirt Quilts

I completed these for different clients. They both were thrilled with how they turned out. They have become my favorite quilts to do for clients.

January 5, 2021

Lets Do The Twist-er!

I am seriously going to try and get back to blogging this year! It has been a long time since I blogged regularly. When Madame Samm stopped the blog hops, it was like the air went out of my desire to blog. Couple that with selling our home in NC, moving to AL, then reselling the first home we bought there, renting a while and everything in storage, and then buy a home right when Covid hit. Well, you do the math. Not much creative spirit has gone on in my brain. lol I have had the pleasure of creating a few fun pieces lately and I will share them with you one per week. At least that will get me one month of new blogging to start off with. Maybe fill in an extra blog day if I can but I wont promise to blog every single day right now. But do check in weekly to see what I have created and/or am working on at the current time. I made this quilt to fit a king size bed! I had made a smaller version and gifted it to a child at the Masonic Home For Children in Oxford, NC back a few years ago. I had been wanting to do another one so I finally did! I hope you like the outcome!

October 28, 2020

Pieced Leaf

Or else that is what I am calling this one..This is the largest quilt I have ever made from the ground up. 360 half square triangle blocks about drove me crazy piecing, pressing and squaring them to size...I am glad it is finished! I really enjoyed the quilting process though... Just low end custom..Nothing too fancy...Just keeping with the leaf designs...