March 27, 2021

Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Bill

 All 50 USA states are represented in this quilt.. Sue and Bill's clothing is from Northcott's state flower fabric line. This was a huge swap between 50 ladies. We all had to do 50 blocks using the state fabric we were assigned. At the end we sent them to the hostess and she gave everyone 1 block from each swapper. Was a lot of fun and a whole lotta work but so worth it! 


Monica Eggleton said...

How wonderful! That would be well worth the work for such a cherished item. How long did it take to make your 50 blocks? There isn't a way to chain stitch or cut corners with mass-producing applique, so I can't imagine how it feels to have done this. Peace, Monica

Kayaking quilter said...

What a wonderful treasured memory quilt. 50 quilters sharing and stitching. Definitely an heirloom quilt with a story to tell.

Carin said...

That is a beautiful quilt