My mother passed away in September and my friends from the HGTV Quilting and Needlework Forum made me a comfort quilt. My friends Nicki and Elaine, both from Massachusetts, got in touch with the ladies in secret and had them send in a block to go in the quilt. After they put the quilt top together they sent it to my friend Carol, from Texas, and she quilted it. My good friend Carolyn, from California, hand painted a label and sent it to Carol to go on the back. After the quilt was completed it was mailed to my friend Karen, from Virginia, who brought it to me this past weekend.
Karen and I had been planning a visit for some time but I did not know she would be bringing me such a gift of friendship! Of course I cried but they were happy tears. These ladies are such awesome friends! I am so blessed to have each and every one of them in my life!

This is wonderful!!!
I bet you don't realize how impatient we all were for you to see it. We just couldn't wait. There are many nice (and talented) people on the HGTV board who think the world of you.
WOW it is a wonderful quilt and so thoughtful of this group to give you such a jewel.
It was such an honor to be included on this special group project for you - you truly are a very special member of our group and we love you very much.
I hope that as you wrap up with your heart quilt you feel very loved and comforted in knowing that we all thought of you and your mom and prayed during her battle. We love you T!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
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