My friend Karen came from Fredericksburg this weekend!
We had ourselves a genuine sew-in!! And sew we did!!
Karen worked on sewing together several 9-patches and then used the X -Blocks Ruler to cut them into a different configuration! She has about half of a baby quilt put together and the block sections ready to assemble into 9-patches for the other half!....
Karen and I are members of another blog that has 12 members. We all make something for each other and one of the themes is to use fabric foil. Karen has her foil project 85% complete! Only needs binding and a possible butterfly!
Karen has also been working on getting the borders on this star quilt for a long time! She had attached the piano key border before she came but she needed to do the corner blocks! Well..she can proudly say it is ready to be quilted now!
Take a CLOSE look at that piano key border! Amazing!!
She had also made this quilt as a baby shower gift and all it needed was binding! It is now ready to be gifted!!
I am going to a quilting retreat in November and I had the bright idea that I would make everyone a jewelry pouch and it would serve double duty as something to put their half pint of pickles in that I am giving to each one there. These are a booger to make! I may have to rethink this... but hey... I got 2 finished... We shall see if any more come out of the sewing room or not!
We are also going to do a jelly roll race at the retreat and everyone who wanted to participate was instructed to go ahead and sew their strips together end to end! Well, I got a little greedy and wanted to see what all of the Christmas fabrics were going to look like sewn into a quilt top! Oh well... I will cheer the others on while I bind mine... if I am lucky enough to find time to quilt it between now and then!
This is the top I showed a few days ago! I had to change out the leaders on my Gammill longarm because it had gotten stretched out of shape and was causing pleating on the backs of my customer work! I loaded this after putting on the new leader just to be sure the problem did not lie with the bottom leader! I finished quilting it last night using a pantograph and did the binding this morning!
BTW: Leaders are fixed! NO MORE PLEATING!! I so hate to frog!!
This is going to a very special lady this week!!
This is another quilt top from that same FQ Bundle! This will be for my granddaughter Emilee!
And I have enough sections ready to assemble yet a 3rd quilt top from the same FQ Bundle!! Thank you Fat Quarter Shop!!
The blog that Karen and I are members of also had a stained glass theme. This will go to a friend in OK once it is quilted and bound! Hope she likes it!
Linking up over at Fabric Tuesday!
Wow! What a productive weekend you had - WooHoo!
Wow! Your week-end seems like a whole week's work.Well done girls.
Wow, what an impressive amount of work accomplished! If I were to sew with one of my friends I would probably run my mouth too much to get anything done. :)
Glad you both had fun!
I found ya via fabric tuesday, and agree with melanie (above) if i had friends over to sew, we'd accomplish absolutely nothing! Glad you had such fun and made so much!
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