April 5, 2010

PHD Challenge! First Finish!

This is a quilt that was created from a swap on the HGTV Quilting and Needlework Forum.  My good friend Brandy hosted this Friendship Star Siggy Block Swap in 2007.  I am proud now to say that this UFO is finished and ready to display in my quilting studio!  It has a wonderful story to tell!  One of the blocks is from Australia and another one is from New Zealand... the remaining blocks are from all across the USA!!
I had a few blocks left over from the front so I added them to my backing.


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Stunning...you have done a fantastic job...love how you have done the back....well done on your finishes...Peg OPAM 2010

Myra said...

Woohoo! Looks great! Love the wonkyness of it!!
Good for you Thearica!!! Way to go! 8-)
I've marked it down on my sidebar list!
Happy stitchings with the rest of them! 8-)

bingo~bonnie said...

my blocks from that swap are still sewn into a top without borders yet.... ((photo of it at the top of my blog for a few years now))

Maybe... I'll one day get a few more siggy stars to add to it b/c I want mine a little longer... and then I can quilt it ;)

Yours looks so different using sashing. The color of your fabric is a perfect! Great job!

Love from Texas! ~bonnie