Locked in my sewing room!!
I have worked at least 100 hours on this block for my mother in law's birthday gift. Her day is coming up in April and I needed to finish it so I could get it framed. I am looking forward to presenting her with this gift!
Do you think she will like it??
You did the writing and the wheelbarrow, right? Nice Touch!
The whole things gorgeous. If she doesn't like it, poke her for me...then run like crazy to the post office...you've still got my address, right?
For someone who doesn't know how to stitch or do crazy quilts and is afraid of spiders, I'd say you've come a long way, Baby!
sassy needlepusher
I'd like to be your mother!!!! Wow! That is gorgeous.
wOw....... I couldn't stop looking at all the pics, every time I looked I saw a different detail.
This is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
That is stunning and so inspiring. Thanks for sharing I am sure your MIL will love this.
This is the most beautiful block I have ever ever seen.
I have been trying to buy trims here and there for one that I want to make but OMG, I saw stunning ribbon at $9.00-$18.00 a yard! Do you have a source for all your beautiful embellishments?
Beautiful!! You did a fantastic job!
This is so special. If she doesn't like it I'm quite willing to stand in as MIL for a while. Beautiful.
I received a blog award today and decided to accept it. Along with the award came a request to pass it along to 12 other bloggers who "inspire others with positivity and creativity." I choose you!
This is beautiful! I so want to make one too!
I am so far behind reading blogs I just now got to yours. Your block is just beautiful. You sure have natural talent as I can see the beauty in all of your work.
WOW! so beautiful. I love every little thing about it(and big too)!!!
This whole block is lovely. What a wonderful gift for you MIL. The wisteria turned out just great.
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