Paduche was about as glad as I was when I finished this quilt tonight. It was due off the machine yesterday but as I said in a previous post, my mother-n-law was hurt, so it had to wait until today. And to give you a quick update, she has a fracture to her right ankle and her left knee is really bummed up but luckily no tendon or tissue damage. She will be hobbling about for a good while but knowing her, she will try to do everything she can get by with. We will have to watch her like a hawk! We all are just glad it was no worse!
And this 30's quilt went on the frame tonight...Let's see if tomorrow will come and go without happenstance so I can show you a "finished" photo sometime tomorrow evening!
I am so glad to hear it was not worse! Thanks for letting us know the updated news.
And WTG, one down, and one more in.
Remember I am watching!! lol
I am also glad to hear it was not worse, although the knee and ankle still sound pretty painful. Being December, I can see the temptation to do just as much as you would without an injury.
I love your mascot monkey and her name - it has to be a she, since she made the trip to Paduka! ;) And b/c she appears to be pink ;)
I love that you included the photo of the back side so the letters you quilted would show up. looks like a very special quilt for a very special grandma.
sorry to hear about your MIL - but good to hear that it wasn't worse! I hope that she heals in due time.
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Glad to hear your MIL is healing! and seeing your pics of your quilts is so inspiring!! and i might even see one there that might be coming to live with me!! :)
Your monkey is adorable! I was glad to hear that you MIL was healing and your work is just gorgeous!
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